Uses of Class

Packages that use BeanMapper

Uses of BeanMapper in org.jbeanmapper

Methods in org.jbeanmapper that return BeanMapper
 BeanMapper MappingContext.getMapper()
          Get the mapper for this context.
static BeanMapper BeanMappers.unmodifiableBeanMapper(BeanMapper beanMapper)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified BeanMapper.

Methods in org.jbeanmapper with parameters of type BeanMapper
static BeanMapper BeanMappers.unmodifiableBeanMapper(BeanMapper beanMapper)
          Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified BeanMapper.

Constructors in org.jbeanmapper with parameters of type BeanMapper
MappingContext(BeanMapper mapper)
          Instantiate a new mapping context with a specific mapper.